Mobile Device Management
As Easy As 1, 2, 3

Retain control over mobile devices in your organization and ensure the security of corporate data. With our mobile device management solution, you can conveniently manage all Android, iOS and macOS devices via your central MDM console.

Cortado MDM Control Panel

What Our Mobile Device Management Solution Has to Offer

  • Centralized Device Management
    Utilize the MDM console to set up and manage all Android, iOS and macOS devices in your organization remotely.
  • Easy Rollout of Email, Wi-fi, VPN and other Profiles
    Make fundamental configurations, like Email, Wi-Fi and VPN settings, and apply them to the corresponding devices at the touch of a button.
  • Application Management
    Deploy both commercially available apps and internally developed applications and maintain control over application data.
  • Separation of Corporate and Private Data
    Ensuring the separation of business and private data on smartphones and tablets is an essential security factor, especially when private mobile devices are also used for work (BYOD).
  • Data Security and Compliance
    Meet your specific security demands by defining application policies, setting password requirements and restricting device functions.

iOS Management

Cortado is the perfect MDM solution to leverage the native management controls built into iOS. Streamline the deployment of iPhones and iPads, get granular control over devices, apps and data, and benefit from a native, secure business container.

Download White Paper:
Setting Up the Native iOS Business Container

Android Enterprise Management

Google's Android Enterprise provides businesses and organizations with the ability to comprehensively manage apps and data at the operating system level. We have highlighted the most important features and show you how to use these features effectively.

Download White Paper:
Android Enterprise – Best Practices

What Makes Our MDM Solution Special?

The Cortado mobile device management solution distinguishes itself from other MDM providers with its productive approach to device management, characterized by the following elements.

  • Quick Start
    Cortado MDM makes it easy for you to start managing your devices. After registering, you receive access to the management console almost instantly. Our quick start guide supports you with the first steps.
  • Group Management
    With the help of group templates, all settings, policies, profiles and apps can be defined for whichever user groups – like company departments – you decide to create.
  • Active Directory Import
    Users can be effortlessly imported from Windows Active Directory. Just a few clicks are all it takes to carry over user information, including group membership and rights.
  • Deploy Every App
    Cortado fully utilizes iOS and Android operating system functions. No apps from app stores require any extra modification in order to be deployed and managed.
  • No Update Conflicts
    Our native MDM approach has the extra advantage of minimizing update conflicts, as the compatibility of updates for operating systems and app versions is verified by Apple and Google.
  • EU-GDPR Compliance
    Set up all devices so they conform to the strict requirements of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation. Cortado MDM includes all the tools that you will need.
  • Support for Apple's DEP and Managed Google Play Accounts
    Apple's DEP (Device Enrollment Program) and Managed Google Play Accounts are one of several programs set up by major electronics manufacturers to help the deployment of devices and apps in the enterprise. These programs, in combination with Cortado MDM, make deployment and management of iOS and Android devices straightforward.
  • Business Containers
    Once an app is managed via Cortado MDM, it becomes part of the secure business container and can only share data with other managed apps. Business data is kept separate from private data and remains under the control of the company.
  • On-Premises Version
    Organizations that prefer to have their mobile device management system on-premises will find the perfect solution in Cortado Server. With this complete enterprise mobility solution, devices can not only be managed but also securely connected to the existing IT infrastructure, like network drives and company printers.
One Click to Start

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