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What Are the Words to Ave Maria in English

Ave Maria (English Hail Mary) is the salutation given by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary at the Annunciation (Luke 1:28): Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum ("Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee"). To these words many additions have been made, both as prayers addressed to the Blessed Virgin (such as that prayed in The Rosary) and as musical texts. The Church Slavonic equivalent is known as Богородице Дево, радуйся (translit. Bogoroditse Devo, raduisya) which translates as "Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos" ("Theotokos" being Mother of God).

The traditional Catholic prayer continues with Elizabeth's greeting to her cousin Mary (Luke 1:41): Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui ("Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb"); and the name (Jesus) given to Mary's child. It concludes with words adopted by the Council of Trent: Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen ("Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen"). Other texts which include Elizabeth's greeting alter this formula to varying degrees.

Some texts follow the salutation of Gabriel with Virgo serena ("serene Virgin") and depart from there, often referring to the several aspects of Mary's presence in the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    • Ave Maria (Gregorian chant), antiphon
    • Ave Maria II (Gregorian chant), the offertory, which uses the first half only
    • Gaude virgo - Ave Maria (1503) ATTB
    • Trium vocum cantiones Nürnberg 1541 TTB (as far as "… ventris tui Jesus Christus.")
    • classical style SATB & strings
    • 19c? SAB with 2 violins & bass
    • Ave Maria di San Lorenzo Bellizzi (Traditional) unisono (Italian)
  • Anton Cajetan Adlgasser SATB & orchestra
  • Johann Kaspar Aiblinger
    • SATB (much abbreviated text)
    • Ave Maria und Confitebor SATB & organ
  • Francisco Alcantar SATB & organ, A solo
  • Jerónimo de Aliseda SSATB ("Regina coeli…" variant)
  • Pedro Aranaz y Vides SATB
  • loosely based on Jacob Arcadelt SATB
  • Arman Azemoon SATB (org. ad lib.)
  • Bengt Bäckestrand SAA ('Orthodox text' in Swedish)
  • Ludovico Balbi SATB (offertory)
  • Bonnie Barrows SAB(div.)
  • D. J. Benz SATB
  • Simon Biazeck ATTB
  • Hans Biedermann SA & organ
  • Tim Blickhan SSAA
  • August De Boeck SATB & organ
  • Joseph Bonnett SATB & organ
  • Luigi Bottazzo
    • SATB (Italian)
    • SSA
  • Guillaume Bouzignac (Annunciation dialogue using first line only) vocal parts only
  • John J. Brackenborough (SSAA)
  • Johannes Brahms SSAA & organ (abbreviated text)
  • Fritz Brodersen SATB
  • Moritz Brosig SATB
  • Arnold von Bruck (SATTB)
  • Anton Bruckner a 7
  • William Byrd
    • alleluia verse SATTB
    • offertory SATTB
  • Johann Melchior Caesar SATB, 5-part strings & bc ("…ventris tui."
  • Louie Madrid Calleja
    • Op. 13, No. 1 (solo soprano)
    • Op. 13, No. 2 (solo alto)
    • Op. 74 (solo tenor)
  • Julián Calvo SATB
  • Luis Alberto Campos SATB
  • Pompeo Cannicciari SATB
  • Giovanni Battista Casali SATB
  • Mamerts Celminskis SATB
  • Mark Chapman SSATTB
  • Luigi Cherubini solo S with organ & clarinet
  • Mary Chiu SAAAA
  • Jacobus Clemens non Papa a 5
  • Daniele Colla SATB & organ
  • Giovanni Battista Cossetti SATB
  • Giancarlo Colleoni SATB
  • Nicolaes Craen SATB
  • Andras Cserny SATB
  • Adrian Cuello
    • for SAB
    • for SB
    • for TTT or SSS
    • for SATB (from Misa contemporánea para coro mixto)
    • for SSATTB (from Misa en canon para coro mixto a 6 voces)
  • Hubert Cuypers baritone & piano
  • Gian Paolo Dal Dosso SSA
  • Christoph Dalitz
  • Dios te salve María (Frédéric Debons) SATB (in Spanish)
  • Anton Diabelli SA & orchestra
  • Pierre-Louis Dietsch SATB (the so-called Arcadelt Ave Maria)
  • Abel Di Marco
  • Gaetano Donizetti TB
  • Michael J. Drake, Jr. SSATB
  • Théodore Dubois
    • Two Ave Marias S/T, organ
    • Ave Maria in a minor SATB, solo S & organ
    • Ave Maria in E SATB
    • Ave Maria in As 3-st. S and editorially added AB
  • Antonín Dvořák SATB organ
  • Edward Elgar SATB organ
  • Angel Embil SATB
  • Hilarión Eslava SATB
  • Juan Esquivel SSATB (different text)
  • Stefan Stocker SAB with organ & 3-part strings
  • Jean-Baptiste Faure SS & organ
    • Ave Maria, Op. 67, No. 2 medium voice & organ
  • Angelina Figus
    • I SATB
    • II SATB
    • S'Avi Maria SAT (in Sardinian)
  • Arie Fokkens SSAA
  • Giacomo Fogliano a 4
  • César Franck
    • sol mineur, FWV 57 SB & organ
    • e minor, FWV 62 SAT & organ (also arr. solo soprano)
  • Fabio Fresi SSAA
  • Maggie Furtak SATB
  • Johann Joseph Fux (offertory) SATB
  • Mariano Garau
    • I
    • II
    • III SATB
    • 2014
    • IV
  • Cristian Gentilini SATB
  • J. Geringer, Op. 3 SATB
  • Thomas Gebhardt SATB
  • Charles H. Giffen
    • SSSAATBB a cappella
    • SSATBB a cappella
    • SATB a cappella
    • SA or SBar a cappella
    • SAB a cappella
  • Nicolas Gombert a 6 (a dubious attribution)
  • Charles Gounod
    • for SATB
    • for Soprano solo and piano (Meditation on Bach's First Prelude)
  • Józef Grabowski SATB
  • Óscar Manuel Paredes Grau SSATB
  • Peter Griesbacher high voice with 2 violins & organ
  • Francisco Guerrero (both using "Regina caeli" variant)
    • a 4
    • a 8
  • Josef Güttler bass & organ
  • Jacques-Fromental Halévy S & organ
  • Gregory Hamilton SATB
  • Jacob Handl (Gallus)
    • a 4 (often misattributed to Victoria)
    • a 5
    • a 8
  • Joseph Haydn a 4 (arrangement?)
  • Olivier Hayes SSATBB
  • Gustav Holst SSAA.SSAA (omits "Nunc et in hora mortis")
  • Márton Jakobey SATB
  • Michal Janošík S solo, SATB, & piano, cello, campano
  • Noel Jones SAB
  • Josquin des Prez several settings, including … Virgo serena)
    • 4-part (Virgo serena 1)
    • 4-part plus 2 anonymous parts (Virgo serena 1)
    • 4-part "… benedicta tu…Regina coeli" AATB
    • 6-part ("Regina coeli" variant)
  • Józef Kocięda 2vv & organ
  • Hubertus Krämer SATB
  • Reinhold Kühnel SATB & orchestra
  • Franz Lachner SATB, orchestra & soprano solo
  • Ferdinand di Lasso
    • a 5
    • a 6
  • Orlando di Lasso
    • a 5 SATTB "... ventris tui."
    • a 6 SSATBB "..Sancta Maria…"
  • Francesco de Layolle (SST)
  • Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens
    • Soprano & organ
    • Mezzo Soprano & organ
    • TTBB
  • Jehan L'Heritier ATTB
  • Franz Liszt numerous settings
    • S. 20 in B-flat for SSATTB & organ ad lib. 1846; in A for SATB & organ 1852
    • S. 38 SATB organ (later for solo voice & organ S.681 as well as keyboard alone versions)
    • S. 60 solo alto and chorus ad lib. with harmonium (later arr. harmonium alone S. 671a, and alto with 2 pianos S. 700g) based on the piano piece Sposalizio, No. 1 of Années de pèlerinage II, S.161
    • S. 341 voice & organ Ave Maria at the Petrucci Music Library (IMSLP)
    • Rosario, S. 56 (3 settings for SATB & harmonium)
  • Alonso Lobo SATB.SATB
  • Gonçalo Lourenço SSAATTBB
  • Francesco Lorenzo Luciani SATB & organ or arr. SAT & organ
  • Wilhelm Meyer Lutz SSTB & keyboard
  • Claudio Macchi SATB
  • Pietro Mascagni SATB
  • Karl May: Ave Maria! " Es will das Licht des Tages scheiden" SATB (another version for men)
  • Felix Mendelssohn SSAATTBB with organ and tenor solo
  • Saverio Mercadante: Salve Maria medium voice & piano, in Italian
  • Claudio Merulo a 5
  • Giovanni Mirabile SATB (all div.)
  • Marco Molinari SAB
  • David Monks SATB (div.) in Italian
  • Claudio Monteverdi a 3
  • Cristóbal de Morales SAATB "ut cum electis…" variant
  • Jorge Moreira SATB.SATB
  • Jean Mouton
    • 3-part (TTT)
    • 4-part (Variant 2)
    • 5-part (Virgo serena 2)
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 4 part canon KV 554
  • Johannes Ockeghem SATB (as far as "..fructus ventris tui, Jesus")
  • Michael J. Oczko high voice & organ
  • Edewede Oriwoh
    • SAT
    • Boysoprano,SATB & flute
  • Marbrianus de Orto ATBB (through "Dominus tecum.")
  • Andrea Maria Ottavini TTB
  • Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 5 settings for 4/5/8 vv., all except the Offertory using the "Regina coeli" variant.
    • a 5, 1575 Paraphrase in all vv.
    • a 4, 1563 or 1564 "In Annunciatione Beatae Mariae" mixed voices, chant in alto
    • a 5, 1593/94, "Offertorium. Dominica IV Adventus"Offertory text: "…ventris tui."
    • a 4 paribus, 1604, Chant in bass
    • a 8, (Cappella Giulia ms. Baini ii) unpublished until 1876.
  • Paolo Pandolfo
    • Solo baritone & organ
    • Solo baritone & organ
    • Unisono & organ
    • SAB & organ
    • S & organ
  • Domenico Paone SATB
  • Robert Parsons a 5 "..ventris tui. Amen"
  • Lorenzo Perosi
    • SA or TB & organ
    • SATB
  • Pascal Picard SATB
  • Peter Philips a 5
  • Dominique Phinot (a 5; Variant 1)
  • Pascal Picard: Je vous salue, Marie SATB in French
  • Jeffrey Quick SATB
  • Bogoroditse Devo (Sergei Rachmaninoff) (in Church Slavonic)
  • Claudio Raffi soprano & harp
  • Oreste Ravanello SSA
  • Ramiro Real
    • SAB a cappella
    • SSAA & piano
  • Licinio Refice SATB
  • Franz Reimann
    • Ave Maria for Alto and Violin with orchestra
    • 4 Ave Maria SA & organ
  • Ignaz Reimann high voice & orchestra
  • Josef Rheinberger
    • Ave Maria high voice & organ
    • Op. 157 No. 6 for alto & organ
    • 3 Ave Maria for soprano & organ
    • Ave Maria (with Ad hoc, Venite) SA & organ
    • Opus 176 No. 9 SATB
  • Giovanni Battista Riccio ATB & bc
  • Davide Da Ros TTBB or SSAA
  • Gioachino Rossini SATB & organ
  • Ludwig Rotter SATB & orchestra
  • Eduard Rottmanner: 3 Ave Maria SATB & organ
  • Oscar Santos SATB div.
  • Camille Saint-Saëns (disambiguation page)
    • à 2 with organ
    • à 4 with organ, Op. 145
    • Solo in A (1865) with organ
  • Matthew Schellhorn SATB
  • Mikuláš Schneider-Trnavský SATB
  • Franz Schubert Solo Lied (v, pn), originally to Scott's poem
  • Adriano Secco SATB
  • Ludwig Senfl a 6, parody of Josquins's …virgo serena
  • Lawrence Sisk SATB
  • Johannes Nepomuk Skraup SATB
  • Percy Snowdon SSAATTBB
  • Bonaventura Somma SATB & organ
  • Crispinus van Stappen STTB Offertory text
  • Bogoroditse Djevo raduisja (Andreas Stenberg) (in Church Slavonic)
  • Bogorodice Devo (Wietse Stuurman) (in Church Slavonic)
  • Mario Tento
    • 2010 SATB
    • 2013 SATB
  • Raphaël Terreau SATB
  • Delfino Thermignon TTBB
  • Eva Toller SSATB
  • J. B. Tresch
    • in E flat SATB
    • in F SATB
  • Wilhelm Troschel SATB
  • Hristo Tsanoff (both withdrawn)
    • VI
    • VII
  • Francisco Valls
    • a 8 con violines SSAT.SATB 2 vln & bc (only through "Dominus tecum.")
    • SSAT & b.c. ("Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui")
    • SAAT 2 violins & b.c. ("Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui")
  • Carl Verbraeken SSAA & orchestra
  • Giuseppe Verdi SATB
  • Cornelius Verdonck: Ave gratia plena a 4
  • Tomás Luis de Victoria
    • 4 part (now attributed to Handl (Gallus))
    • 8 part ("Regina coeli" variant)
  • Louis Vierne arranged from solo version, for SATB & organ
  • Pedro Vilarroig SATB (drops "nostrae.")
  • Scott Villard SATB with div.
  • Teofilo V. Vinteres, C.Ss.R. (Hail Mary and Aba Ginoong Maria)
  • Angel Viro
    • SATB
    • SATB, organ and tenor solo
  • Maxim Vladimiroff SATB
  • Bruno Vlahek S solo with SATB & orchestra
  • Laurenz Weiss alto, organ & violin
  • Charles West SSAATTB
  • Adrian Willaert a 4 ("Regina coeli", 2nda pars of Pater noster)
  • Franz Xaver Witt TTBB
  • Peter Yost SAT
  • Joseph Gregor Zangl SATB & organ
  • Gioseffo Zarlino SATTTBB ("Regina coeli", 2nda pars of Pater noster)
  • Michele Zanoni SATB
  • Peter Josef Zwyssig SATB
Latin.png Latin text

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum;
benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus [Christus].
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

Italian.png Italian translation

Ave Maria, piena di grazia, il Signore è con Te;
Tu sei benedetta fra le donne,
e benedetto è il frutto del seno Tuo, Gesù.
Santa Maria, Madre di Dio,
prega per noi peccatori,
adesso e nell'ora della nostra morte. Amen.

Spanish.png Spanish translation

Dios te salve María, llena eres de gracia, el Señor es contigo,
bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres
y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre Jesús.
Santa María, madre de Dios,
ruega por nosotros pecadores,
ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén.

Portuguese.png Portuguese translation

Ave Maria, cheia de graça, o Senhor é convosco;
Bendita sois vós entre as mulheres,
E bendito é o fruto do vosso ventre, Jesus [Cristo].
Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus,
Rogai por nós, pecadores,
Agora e na hora da nossa morte. Amém.

Chinese.png Chinese translation

萬福瑪利亞, 滿被聖寵者,
主與爾偕焉, 女中爾為讚美,
爾胎子耶穌, 並為讚美。
天主聖母瑪利亞, 為我等罪人,
今祈天主, 及我等死候。亞孟。



Tagalog.png Tagalog translation

Aba, Ginoong Maria,
Napupuno ka ng grasya;
Ang Panginoong Diyos ay sumasaiyo.
Bukod kang pinagpala sa babaeng lahat,
At pinagpala naman ng iyong Anak, na si Hesus.
Santa Maria, Ina ng Diyos,
Ipanalangin mo kaming makasalanan
Ngayon at kung kami'y mamamatay.

Danish.png Danish translation

Hil dig, Maria, fuld af nåde!
Herren er med dig!
Velsignet er du iblandt kvinder,
og velsignet er dit livs frugt, Jesus.
Hellige Maria, Guds Moder!
bed for os syndere,
nu og i vor dødstime.

Hungarian.png Hungarian translation

Üdvözlégy Mária, kegyelemmel teljes,
az Úr van teveled,
áldott vagy te az asszonyok között
és áldott a te méhednek gyümölcse, Jézus.
Asszonyunk Szűz Mária, Istennek szent anyja,
imádkozzál érettünk bűnösökért
most és halálunk óráján.

English.png English translation

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus [Christ].
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

German.png German translation

Gegrüßet seist du Maria, voll der Gnade, der Herr ist mit dir;
du bist gebenedeit unter den Frauen,
und gebenedeit ist die Frucht deines Leibes, Jesus.
Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes,
bitte für uns Sünder,
jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen.

French.png French translation

Je vous salue, Marie pleine de grâces
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes et Jésus,
le fruit de vos entrailles, est béni.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort. Amen.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Wees gegroet, Maria, vol van genade, de Heer is met u.
Gezegend zijt gij boven alle vrouwen
en gezegend is de vrucht van uw lichaam, Jezus.
Heilige Maria, moeder Gods,
bid voor ons, arme zondaars,
nu, en in het uur van onze dood. Amen.

Finnish.png Finnish translation

Terve, Maria, armoitettu, Herra sinun kanssasi;
Siunattu sinä naisten joukossa ja
siunattu kohtusi hedelmä, Jeesus.
Pyhä Maria, Jumalan äiti,
rukoile meidän syntisten puolesta
nyt ja kuolemamme hetkellä. Aamen.

Polish.png Polish translation

Zdrowaś Maryjo, łaski pełna, Pan z Tobą,
Błogosławionaś Ty między niewiastami
I błogosławiony owoc żywota Twojego – Jezus.
Święta Maryjo, Matko Boża,
Módl się za nami grzesznymi,
Teraz i w godzinę śmierci naszej. Amen.

Slovak.png Slovak translation

Zdravas', Mária, milosti plná, Pán s tebou;
požehnaná si medzi ženami
a požehnaný je plod života tvojho, Ježiš.
Svätá Mária, Matka Božia,
Pros za nás hriešnych,
teraz i v hodinu smrti našej. Amen.

Korean.png Korean translation

은총이 가득하신 마리아님
주님께서 함께 계시니
여인중에 복되시며
태중에 아들 예수님 또한 복되시 나이다.
천주의 성모 마리아님
이제와 저희 죽을 때에
저희 죄인을 위하여 빌어 주소서. 아멘.

Vietnamese.png Vietnamese translation

Kính mừng Maria, đầy ơn phúc, Đức Chúa Trời ở cùng Bà;
Bà có phúc lạ hơn mọi người nữ,
và Giêsu, con lòng Bà gồm phúc lạ.
Thánh Maria, Đức Mẹ Chúa Trời,
cầu cho chúng con là kẻ có tội,
khi nay và trong giờ lâm tử. Amen.

Latin.png Latin text

Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Dominus tecum;
benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
Sancta Maria, Regina coeli,
dulcis et pia, o Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
ut cum electis [te] videamus.

English.png English translation

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Queen of heaven
sweet and merciful, O Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
that with the elect we may gaze [upon thee].

Latin.png Latin text

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum;
tecum in corde, tecum in ventre,
tecum in utero.
O Maria, Genetrix Dei,
ora pro nobis.

English.png English translation

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;
with thee in thy heart, with thee in thy womb,
with thee in thine uterus.
O Mary, Bearer of God,
pray for us.

Latin.png Latin text

Ave Maria, Gratia plena,
Dominus tecum, Virgo serena.
Ave, cuius Conceptio,
Solemni plena gaudio,
Caelestia, Terrestria,
Nova replet laetitia.
Ave, cuius Nativitas
Nostra fuit solemnitas,
Ut lucifer lux oriens
Verum solem praeveniens.
Ave pia humilitas,
Sine viro fecunditas,
Cuius Annuntiatio
Nostra fuit salvatio.
Ave vera virginitas,
Immaculata castitas,
Cuius Purificatio
Nostra fuit purgatio.
Ave, praeclara omnibus
Angelicis virtutibus,
Cuius Assumptio
Nostra fuit glorificatio.
O Mater Dei,
Memento mei. Amen.

English.png English translation

Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee, serene Virgin.
Hail, thou whose Conception,
Full of great joy,
Fills heaven and earth
With new gladness.
Hail, thou whose Nativity
Became our great celebration,
As the light-bearing Morning Star
anticipates the true Sun.
Hail, faithful humility,
Fruitful without man,
Whose Annunciation
Was our salvation.
Hail, true virginity,
Immaculate chastity,
Whose Purification
Was our cleansing.
Hail, glorious one
In all angelic virtues,
Whose Assumption
Was our glorification.
O Mother of God,
Remember me. Amen.

Latin.png Latin text

Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Dominus tecum, Virgo serena,
Tu parvi et magni,
leonis et agni,
Salvatoris Christi,
templum extitisti,
sed virgo intacta.
Tu floris et roris,
panis et pastoris,
virginum et regina,
rosa sine spina,
genitrix es facta.
Tu civitas regis justitiae,
Tu mater es misericordiae,
de lacu faecis et miseriae,
Theophilum reformans gratiae.
Te collaudat caelestis curia,
tu mater es regis et filia.
O Maria dulcissima,
per te reis donatur venia.
O Maria piissima,
per te reis donatur venia.
O Maria mitissima,
per te jusits confertur gratia.
Pro nobis semper Christum exora. Amen.

English.png English translation

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with you, serene Virgin.
For lowly and great,
lion and lamb,
our saviour Christ:
you have been his temple,
while still a virgin.
For the flower and rose,
the bread and the shepherd:
you queen of virgins,
a rose without a thorn,
you became their mother.
You are the royal seat of justice,
you are the mother of mercy,
from out of the depths of dregs and misery
hast seen Theophilus to grace.
The heavenly court praises you,
you the king's mother and daughter;
O sweetest Mary,
through you the accused is forgiven.
O most pious Mary,
through you the accused is forgiven.
O most gentle Mary,
through you favor comes to the just.
For us always entreat Christ. Amen.

Church_Slavonic.png Church Slavonic text

Богородице Дево, радуйся,
Благодатная Марие, Господь с Тобою;
Благословена Ты в женах
и благословен плод чрева Твоего,
яко Спаса родила еси душ наших.

Bogoroditse Devo, raduisya,
Blagodatnaya Mariye, Gospod s Toboyu.
Blagoslovenna Ty v zhenakh,
i blagosloven plod chreva Tvoyego,
yako Spasa rodila esi dush nashikh.

English.png English translation

Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos,
Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.
Blessed art Thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb,
for Thou hast borne the Savior of our souls.

German.png German translation

Gottesgebärerin und Jungfrau, freue dich,
hochbegnadete Maria, der Herr ist mit dir.
Gesegnet bist du unter den Frauen,
und gesegnet ist die Frucht deines Leibes,
denn du hast den Heiland unserer Seelen geboren.

What Are the Words to Ave Maria in English
